museveni daughter grazing

President Yoweri MUSEVENI’s daughters still graze cattle yet Roysambu slay queens can’t even feed a cat (PHOTOs)

Powerful Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has two daughters called Natasha and Diana.

Despite being the daughters of one of Africa’s most powerful presidents, they still go to their father’s ranch to look after cattle.

Museveni has a ranch estimated to be 1,600 acres in the outskirts of Kampala where he rears over 6,000 head of cattle.

Museveni’s well-educated daughters are in tandem with their traditions and when free, they escape the hassle and bustle of the city by going to their father’s ranch to graze the high breed cattle.

Here are photos of the President’s daughters doing what most slay queens cannot dare.

Diana M 3
Diana M 2 1
Diana M 1
natasha museveni karugire 67187690 2618550621488992 9161714343754455465 n
natasha museveni karugire 75002968 388750362034856 6274627298771782942 n
natasha museveni karugire 80555030 597401107693430 6458126032367709015 n
natasha museveni karugire 121604385 118631753175316 9091235028636990808 n
natasha museveni karugire 104039710 194649125154637 9094252628759513968 n

Author: Alex

Alex is a Kenyan blogger writing on technology, fraud, social media and politics at Nairobi Today.

email:: admin[at]

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